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As a non-profit organization, the Alliance Française relies on the support from friends of the Alliance and people like you. We are a 501(c)3 organization and all donations made are tax-exempt as allowed by law.

Donations help to support the Alliance in many ways through the French Language Center, community outreach programs, and general support.

First, our French Language Center provides French classes to over 800 students a year, from children to adults. Second, as a part of our mission, we strive to provide French language opportunities to children who would not otherwise have a chance to learn a foreign language.

With your support we are able to run French classes at a discounted rate and provide French learning events to children around Milwaukee.

You can also donate to our Endowment Fund. Like a true endowment, we cannot touch the principal, but receive a steady interest income. Our endowment is one way we secure our future.

To donate, please use this shopping cart or please mail a check to:

Alliance Française de Milwaukee
1800 E. Capitol Dr. 
Milwaukee, WI 53211